Biotat Numbing Glide
  • Biotat Numbing Glide
  • Larger Tattoo Glide
  • PMU Glide
  • Why Biotat
  • How Does it work
  • Glide or Butter

Biotat Numbing Glide

PRICE: $11.99 SALE: $8.99IN STOCK
Item #: BIOTAT-NGLIDE-S FREE 2-Day UPS Shipping

BioTat Tattoo Numbing Glide Info:

Numb the area whilst you work.

Available in 2 sizes: 100 g (3.5 oz) or 500 g (17 oz)

Using only natural products you can now harness the powerful numbing qualities of Clove Oil, Honey and Lavender to numb the area, reduce redness & inflammation.

This unique formulation is designed to be applied during the tattoo process and can also be used sparingly as an aftercare.

CONTAINS: Shea Butters, Glycerin, Syzygium Aromaticum (Clove), Lavender, Aloe Vera.


BioTat PMU Numbing Glide Info:

Numb the area whilst you work.

Available in 1 sizes: 100 g (3.5 oz)

You can now harness the powerful qualities of Clove Oil, Honey and Lavender to numb the area, reduce redness & inflammation.

This unique formulation is designed to be applied during the pmu process.

CONTAINS: Medical Grade White Petrolatum, Syzygium Aromaticum, Glycerol, Honey, Lavender.


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